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Marshalls Park Academy

Duke of Edinburgh

Marshalls Park Academy offers Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award - Year 9  and Silver Award - Year 10. Students from Years 9 and 10 take on the challenges posed by the different aspects of these awards.  In Year 10 students can enter straight to Silver, without having completed Bronze, or continue from Bronze.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an outstanding mark of achievement for a young person. It is probably the most widely recognised Award by employers and universities as a sign of a number of social skills, resilience, responsibility and a balanced approach to life and learning.

The awards are achieved by completing a personal programme of activities broken down into sections (see below).

More details about the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme can be found at: www.dofe.org or email Mr Dowsey who co-ordinates our Duke of Edinburgh Awards: dowseyb@mpa.swecet.org

You achieve an Award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections:

  • Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community.
  • Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities.
  • Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests.
  • Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad.

You can also follow us on Twitter – @mpa_dofe