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Marshalls Park Academy

Contact Us

Phone number: 01708 724 134
Email: contact@mpa.swecet.org

Student absence reporting: Please report all student absence using the MPA App

Where we are

Marshalls Park Academy
Pettits Lane

At Marshalls Park Academy we believe that strong communication across our school community is fundamental in ensuring a positive partnership which benefits everyone.

General Enquiries:

The School Office is open 8.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday during term times.

All enquiries for the Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team, Year Leaders, Curriculum and Subject Leaders or the site team should be directed through the main school office in the first instance; contact@mpa.swecet.org



All enquiries for the Headteacher, the Site Manager, Years Leaders, Senior leadership Team, Curriculum and Subject Leaders, Support Staff or Students should be directed through the main School Office in the first instance; contact@mpa.swecet.org or by submitting an enquiry via the form below.

Whilst we always endeavour to respond to queries as soon as possible, we aim to reply to all enquiries within 48 hours.

Visits to Site:

Due to the nature of the school day we are unable to accommodate appointments which have not been previously arranged.

Arrival & Car Parking:

Please park in the visitors car park and to the main entrance on arrival, where you will be asked to sign in.